Jurassic Park 30th Anniversary Challenge!

I assume every dinosaur enthusiast out there is well aware that this year of 2023 marks the 30 th anniversary of the Jurassic Park movie. I was 13 back then and its release was a big deal for those of us who were just the right age to be absolutely delighted to see the most believable dinosaurs ever shown on a screen. We had huge expectations, and boy did the film deliver the goods. Even then I was able to spot some scientific inaccuracies due to artistic license ( T. rex had actually excellent eyesight, and those were definitely not Velociraptors ) and the plot’s inconsistencies (for instance, the T. rex seems to be heavy enough to make the earth shake with every step and form waves in the kids’ water cups, but the earth conveniently forgets to shake later on when Rexy unexpectedly appears to save Grant and the kids from the raptors… didn’t I already talk about this before? ). And yet, it remains a wonderful adventure movie, thanks mainly to Spielberg’s masterful...