
Showing posts from February, 2025

DinoZoo Coloring Book

  Well, plenty of time (too much, I’m afraid ) has gone by since my last pos t and, among other things that have happened since then, the winners of the Jurassic Park 30 th Anniversary Challenge by Threadless were finally announced several months ago . For a contest that started in September 2023, and whose winners should have been notified by November 27 th , it really took a long time (can’t remember when it exactly happened) . It took s o long that at one point I feared that it might have been called off for some sponsor-related reason. I emailed them in June 2024 asking about it, and this was Luis’s kind reply: “ Hi Josep, Thanks for contacting us. The Jurassic Park challenge has not been cancelled. All the winners have been contacted at this time but we have not made any announcements because licensed design challenges sometimes have a lot of moving parts. In this particular case there's licensors as well as retail outlets that need to align...